Directed by Lars Brink & Rutger van Leeuwen
Photographer : Jeremie Leconte
Photographer : Jeremie Leconte
Photographer : Jeremie Lecompte
Directed by Arthur Couvat
Creative Director : Pelagia Kolotouros
Directed by Nathalie Canguilem
Photographer : Remi Ferrante
Directed by Guillaume Doubet
Photographer : Jeremie Leconte
Photographer : Jeremie Leconte
Photographer : Jeremie Leconte
Directed by Samy la Famille
Directed by Nathalie Canguilem
Directed by Nathalie Canguilem
Directed by Felipe Salvador
Photographer : Jeremie Leconte
Photographer : Jeremie Leconte
Print & video campaign with Bad Gyal
Pop up store in Barcelona
Pop up store in Barcelona
Barcelona TOUR with NIKE SB
a movie of Quentin Dupieux
Diamond Supply co. for Vogue Italia
Photographer : Jeremie Leconte
Directed by Felipe Salvador
Photographer : Kamel Gondry for Le Monde
Directed by Kamel Gondry for Konbini
Directed by Nathalie Canguilem
Photographer : Jérémie Leconte
Photographer : Jérémie Leconte